Chapter 5

Medicinal Technocrat

As per the dietary regulations as a matter of fact the oxygen carbon nitrogen hydrogen are as necessary as food items because the respiratory mechanism of breathing in and breathing out is carried out by the stimulation of ventricular area of brain where the group of neurons nucleus tracts solitaries is situated in the calibration is mostly in particular being operated from a surge of carbon dioxide for initiation of respiratory mechanism since oxygen is required for dissociation of energetic bonds is regulated for intensity of energy liberated with the simultaneous requirements. The flow of knowledge to the people are animations to understand are as simple as the vascular operation in a normal living being as a process of open body or closed body creations will give us a faint idea about.

Life that is in a simultaneous correlation with the external flow nature of liquid geology and the impedance a major factor that defines us and a gravity which is absent or zero in orbital space. So the heart muscle is better learned and adapted to the conditions to monitor the vascular pressure of space crew and a man living on a planet earth somewhere in touch with the astronauts in a presized biological research. The geographical point of view is to locate a place at planet mars and planet earth will teach us that the area being travelled from a hedgehog rover is a evidence for a latest soil drill that show us it is purely rocky with more than a 1.88 earth days of a year is best taught to the significance of life that certain in a planet like mars a red planet. A group of life aspects will give us a chance to flee to the mars to operate mapping of mars rovers suitable for life in regulatory fashion of biological autotrophic growth which is a successful project to the surveillance of hi-tech growth in comparison to the moons of mars that are still snowing. A temperature can regulate its impression for the low temperature survival animals and a fabricated sustainable life of human. With a calibration to the microbial growth a life will certainly describe the facts of tomorrow and a future course of success ding pathways and ultimately is a successful a growth that starts from the influence of twilight that gazes us to the skies from earth and lead us in a dominating fashion into the stars a fanatical planetary concetalatios heavenly universal facts of suns and a quintillions of expressions of pace. This theme will never end up and will keep s above all. The generous quality of a space travel is to perform exercises that are intimated for a crew like flight engineers and research doctors to get a quality status and a definitely a healthy life living for even a earth year of about 300 years as mars wish had already completed years of expedition where they performed space walk and lodged a hardware module a growth of communicative skill the astronauts even performed a chat with open network visualized by people over earth and other areas of work space normally they are regularly checked up by health some haematological lft,kft,ECG,EEG,X-RAYS,MRI,even CT-SCAN these procedures keep the crew member in check that make us aware there is bone wasting with sufficient exercises and also some muscle waste, the physical exercises outcome the biological error and will certain feed astronauts a real air to breath and healthy to eat, by far the location at the planetary surface is a potential gaining will serve the maximum health at certain gravity by the fact the astronauts now are been in a issue not travel in outer space for more than 10 years of a carrier at the exploring expedition. The expedition is launched as per the requirement of technical desire though this calculative method is as usual calculated with that there should not be an engorged space for normal functioning of satellites or telescope that has the power of gathering a photogenic climatic or video tech details from spectrometer of panoramic eye, normally a life is kept in a complete vigil at any of media of space is explored for at most life at brilliant productive gain to glow up green a present races of species to their eternal survival, the space tests are already been done for a survival of human even at the extreme of miserable growth may be tomorrow real unequipped one for you and all, the geographic status tells us to hold some undefined projections that will teach you at least a better direction than none the whole healthy aim is to making a space launch a host super break and party for while and written from a mars or other in same hour is going be definitely superb a slightly dearer a costlier one it could not be a more than a 10 billion dollars away, the modern view of focusing on a people or a planet earth which is as usual for common man seems really messed up a congested let it take away its loads towards rocky mountains of red planet MARS.