Chapter 12


Vascular System:

It is composed of heart cardiac musculature and smooth musculature cardiac muscle is self autonomous and rhythmic. Atomicity is seen in the heart of synooricular node and aterioventicular node of purkongi fibers the vessels are the carriers of fluid blood to the vicars and other parts of the body to keep all the elements vital heart is a pumping organ bytes atomicity it pumps flushes and receives blood from the tissues through veins and arteries. The cardiac muscle is specialized muscle in a human body as the muscle of a.v.nodes and s.a.nodes is self leaking automated pulsatile muscle this property is gain from the release of sodium ions form the muscle fiber and will put the voltage of a muscle to the -50 milli volts that is a threshold frequency for action potential  as a scientific fact the cardiac muscle fiber itself is different from nodal fiber the threshold frequency is much higher than a nodal fiber that is about 90 -92 mill volts is responsible for the polarization and depolarized of action potential to the repolarization ,this peculiarity a property of heart as whole called it as self pumping organ and keeps beating even at rest that is a pulastile machine the other ionic salt which is a balance to an is k is potassium maintains a charge of potential across the membrane of muscle fibre,the heart is supplied by coronary vessels itself and is located in a left side just below the fifth rib is a valve that is a held with ligament tenderize both the chambers has valves either side with an aortic valve to the aorta a bigger vessel and a pulmonary vessel valve, the total amount of blood circulated in a body is about 5 liters in a normal human being but may vary in atheletes,the blood vessels across the body have a function of carrying food,oxygen,exchange of gases, maintain body temperature, carrying hormones even medicine and chemical or biological and physiological means, maintains a buffer system of ionic balance also other as stem cell series, the heart is innervated through the nerves and few lymphatic’s that the fact is nerves a locally controlled and also to the vasomotor centre of heart VMC.The pliability of red cell membrane keep it vital and protect it from damage while passing through liver sinusides,other cell of fluid blood like white blood cells are as defense pupose,and platelets for clotting  and repairment of damaged,lymp cells lymphocytes are far end defense,the fluidic content with the viscosity give blood a property to flow in the vessels and to the connective from a heart and to extremities and to the heart from max extremities. Vascular system is also built in a fetus while its development in the mother’s womb that is not visible by naked eye but is felt from USG,and also from a mother built up,the vessels are developed from angiogenesis the placenta a soul connection to the mother for the 9 months of serving is associated with all that we take in food through mouth but the difference is the mother deliver a child with a readymade food in placental artery and gather some un accepted and unwanted from a planetary vien,also a lymphatic can control for immune and also free antibodies live, like G,the vasculate is oxygenated from mother later at parturition by own in a single cry  BABY CRY lungs inflate and child starts living of its own body systems. The immune system remain always vital and prudent for the body protection that is including 80% of vascular means and 20% innate a covered immunity. At the all of the descriptions the vascular system is the most well-defined and educated and important system as a matter fact is it’s an automatic system an automatic rhythmical system.


This system is mostly meant for excretion it excretes the end products of body and maintains the hemodynamic regulation in the body as does the skin in maintenance of the acid base balance a buffer function across the entire systems of body, the system releases the essential proteins erythopoiesis from the juxta glomerular cells of macula densa to form the erythopoetin stem cells formation and the body defense cells with the megakerocytes a precurrssor of platelets a protective functional.these defense cells are mostly formed from thymus –T cells bursa fabrica B-cells and lymphocytes bone marrow and epitheliod cells as foreign body cells,this system can solely control the temperature and a chemical balance and a maintainence of blood pressure a water balance and ionic balance results in give away to excretory products and keep the system of body clean and disease free some metabolic end products like ketone urea or dead microbes and some type acidic constituents are neutralized as a micturation is followed by water consumption.The urinary act or a defecation act is physiological and can be physiologically updated normally the anal description is mostly mentioned in terms of Gasterointestinal system but there is no loss in some specification here for better human civic life that keep us above all the piers of the life discipline. If this phase of subject as the excretory product is waste will nowhere be away from space astronauts to convert the urine into water and other essential constuints of foods and fecal matter is in commonly used for gases products.With this fact the life has an Accenture to make sense of every thing that is in your way give it a good form and lead to the destiny’s of for more accurate and legal to the principal of man as a source of cheer and merry.

Respiratory System:

This is essential system of human body system it provide life to survival,oxygen is a soul in mother womb oxygen is provided by through mother’s blood in the umbilical cord through placenta,at birth the baby cry opens the lung space closes the AV shunt foramen ovule in heart,in vitro oxygen is entered and lungs are inflated by aeration pump and the body is kept vital inspiration and expiration maintained by intercoastal and external coastal muscles associated to the ribs and the function of diaphragm the capacity of lung to value of volume of about 500ml Po2 A 100mg of 100%partial pressure at lungs is at alveolar site of alveolar membrane to exchange the gases and a body at the capillary membrane,the oxygen dissociation curve in vitalization of oxygen under certain conditions and factors maintain the acid base balance can prove the efficiency of healthy lungs, where as some emphemsema,carbon lung or carcinoma or COPD have compromised lung function.Oxygen dissociation curve is a 100%release of oxygen at 14-16mg/dl blood heamoglobenized oxygen.An athlete is an example of pure efficient reparatory capacity.

Digestive System:

The digestive system is the system of higher priority of human concern as the system is covered by stratified squamous epithelium.
This system of gastroentology starts with the orifis of mouth and ends up at the anal apperture. Whole of the processes start from injestion of food in mouth and is chewed, masticated with the help of matecatery muscles  and teeth with the help of saliva the food is formed in a bolus thus the bolus is swallowed or degultated into phyrnx to the oesophagus normally by this pathway certain enzymes help in digestion or lypase , ptylin and a traces of carboxylase. After passing a bolus of food from the upper part of oesophagus to the stomach funds & intermidiate body and pyloris the stomach is responsible for maximun digestion a churning of food with the help of stomach muscles a muscular mucosa. In acidic atmosphere of ph<3 . the food is latter passed to the a short distant tube known as duodenum where the food turns alkaline and is majority of digested in rate latter the nearby juices containing enzymes are released from pancreas and liver and also  salts from gallbladder that is how the food moves into the small intestine where is 99% absorbed in a form of glucose and lipids and proteins from enteriocytes   also some minerals and vitamins few hormones in correlation with some enteric flora that produces a fecal matter from large intestine the end site of digestion results in excretion of faeces from anal opening. That is how a system of digestion is appreciated in a meant of human from any of the formation as a machine wise or as a humanly natural wise.
Genital System: Genital system are not common in man & women they have same gender difference in the orphisis and the level of secretion glands and the ganedotropic releasing hormone from higher secretary centres the boy and a girl normally reach the puberty level called as pubirital age when their sexual character appears that usually occur in twelve years in females and fourteen years in males. The females attain a menstrual cycle of 28 days in which 4 days are responsible for release of monaural debris and the other 10 days are a preparatory to the 14th day of ovulation where the ova is ready to fertilize or will fall in a track of fimbre of ovaries will end up the 28th day of a periods, now the man attains their sexual desire with a higher age group above 14th years and grow some body hair similarly to the females but in varied and difference in sites proportion. The ovum and sperm these are the gamete forming cells which are responsible for the set of chromosomes in embryo means XX in females and XY in males. This keeps a real chain, reproduction or a propagation of generations. This system of producing offspring’s only by the fact of intercourse between men and women is in a legal manner will call it a reproductive process. By an apparatus of reproductive system this feature will control and asses upon census of for making future generations.  These are evidenced by the set of jeans in real human life or a plastic artificial birth of an offspring with biocompatible plastic man called HAL-5. And also the person can be built from a laboratory just by  passing the sexual intercourse among males and females but can retain special qualities of polished status .

Locomotive System:

The locomotive system is developed from a normal developmental stage of being form.
The locomotive apendicular system is for the movement of the body anatomically it is consisted of muscles and bones as a infrastructure the ligaments tendence connective tissue & grossly vessels and nerves this locomotive system has an autonomous a voluntary and non voluntary control is under the control of nervous system by neural innervations. The locomotion is brought about by motor sensory and mixed part of cerebral region of brain which is been dominated by autonomic and non autonomic system. These procedures are brought in to practice in vitro and vivo ways as the automated beings are fabricated from carbon fibbers with the metallic and non-metallic plus some semiconductors for electronic control of locomotive function. The lab tests are also been judged from the accuracy of the engineered and humanly borne individual as a fact of packets to be put in a knowledge of forensic astrobiology is an example of robonaut and a HAL-5 (hybrid accessed limb) also a genetically engineered animal or plant of growth can prove it in a faceable fashion. VISUAL SYSTEM: the visual system is one of the most highly sensitive a unique system that is discovered by “sir” Henry gray as a optic nerve a group of nerve fibres, the optic nerve is specially causing a configuration of vision to happen as a image is formed at retina as the blend of impulse starts at optic chasima where both the optical sensation for processes of image formation from occipital lobe can complete the colour discrimination and vitality of eye is maintained from aqueous humor,lens is that part of the eye where it need to be discussed for a light fall as its shape gives the status of vision.

Vestibulococular System:

The system is known as hearing system as it has three small bones malles incus and stapes and the labyrinth membrane which is been discovered by sir Henry gray as the frequency of the sound reaches nearer to 10 decimals or a fraction the sound can be configured from the membrane a tympanic membrane which propagates the sensation of impulse into the mid brain these sound waves are coming from the outer environment they are being concentrated by the pina of the air produce a hearing verses in brain. That can be carried by sweet and most proper proportions according to the frequencies.

The Vocal System:

The vocal system is a comparatively known as audio system as it is all about speech which is been developed from brochas area a prefrontal region of the brain known as area no. 44. It produces the voice only when the vocal cords are being vibrated only because of Ariel stimulus with the help of localised muscles where lips and cheeks tongue and a part of pharynx with the help of salivary glands are responsible for uninterrupted speech as can be same procedure found in robonnaut. The GUSTATORY AND OLFACTION  centre is as important as other systems of the body the taste buds are responsible for taste determination and the olfaction is necessarily responsible for smell an odour of from an process of stimuli through cribiform plate of ethmoid bone where a olfactory nerves pass through and give us a class of pleasant or other differentiations of olfaction. The normal functioning of individual is calculated as such in vito,vivo,the human are thus developed from any means of development from a normal physiological way or some other technological means from forensic astrobiological labs.The forensic astrobiology is a most newer and a modern concept of human developing human species with a line of progeny from a series of dominant characters as can be replicated from the athletic behaviour also can prove us with high capacitancy of performance in a type of work or carrying a super human property to grow a knowledge among the universes of pure success of science through scientific error less procedures.A procedure can take you to the highest piers of building a superior trait of a disciplined life with an automated control from CNS as a motor tech head regulation at the normal levels of best of the working and impressive condition.In this way human being is produced for giving success to the medic science by providing practicality and theoretically over a science of a truth and subject that tell you and define a formation of unit of life from a single cellular organism to the gaint multicellular one,this subject is fascinated from the universal law of existence as it is a backbone of preserving human evolution because of the calibre of human being produce same from the same, this subject a FORENSIC ASTEROBIOLOGY IS WORKED from the AMA, American Medical Association the chief work is to sustain a human traits of progeny that are superior in the sense of knowledge that can continue the generations for the survival sake of whole universe with a fact a automated monitored machine reduce the error from the human intelligence for better yield of living a life span in the exploring concept of Twilight a specific feature of meaning to live for. The normal human is weighing about 75 kg by the age of 27 years is perfection in biotic life but the forensic asteriobiologic lab can reduce the weight but will give it a normal workable mass the matter is costing high, so the females will similarly attain same properties of life style. The procedures could be brought without manual procedures, these procedures could be done from computer coverage the automatic robotic technique can be used to develop a human being to prevent a kind of human error it is a technique sensitive procedures of development of human being this processes is solely a newer and a subject is known FORENSIC ASTROBIOLOGY The manual procedures may aid in certain points of upgrade the development and management of progeny. The scientific process of performing tech sensitive virtual procedures are absolutely perfect in laboratories of United States of America. The knowledge of development of human progeny is within the scientists and other co-workers who put forward the knowledge of subject and give it a full triumph of exposure to nationwide and across the world in the sciences of universes The belief is such that the progeny is engineered and have variations and resemblances as per them they have genotypic and phenotypic resemblances and variations are brought by the scientist from the hybrid or gene abrading technique with virtual knowledge of the scientific fact, the characters develop normally and there is a behavioural change in living ways that is expressed in the alleles of genes with prominent traits in their genomic project. The division and grades are being given to different individuals formed through a scientific means of procedures:
DIVISION A: a class A group human being with normal character and behaviour no resemblance with other.    
DIVISION B: a class B group of human being with normal character and behaviour resemble with other.
DIVISION C: a class C group of human being with normal characters and behaviour no variation.
DIVISION D: a class D group of human being with normal character and behaviour with variation.

These characters can be transferred  to the other progeny of the same generation according to their division group of class give us a scientific purposeful meaning in human beings, this newer version of modern and most reliable a forensic astrobiology is giving us a more considerable idea and intention to the practical purpose of life in the exaggerating knowledge of discoveries and inventions in future coming centuries and the thousand years to the billions of light years of life time, thus a growth curve will rise high against to the death rate as life is turning immortal. This expressive subject is now quiet famous and holding a peers of peaks in the highest levels of surgery and medicine this is of course an appreciable and incredible job that never lost a glare form a medical science as it gives a powerful definition of a life time.